Tag: Irish economy

Independent economic analysis and advice

Review of Harnessing our Ocean Wealth

Harnessing our Ocean Wealth, published in 2012, sets out a plan to assist Ireland in realising the enormous economic and social potential of its marine environment. What is this plan, how is the sector performing and where to from here?

talent attractiveness

A Talent Attractiveness Assessment of Ireland

Ireland has experienced instances of skill shortages. How well does the country perform in terms of its ability to attract and retain talent? We assessed the evidence.

media accuracy

Media Accuracy and Economics

I know: the media do their best to make economic stories accessible to mainstream readers. But sometimes this comes up short. This is important.

Thinking Big and Small

Ireland’s economy made a strong recovery in the years following the bailout. But a ‘crisis’ mindset continued to permeate much of the commentary and policy making. A change in economic thinking was needed to sustain the recovery? But, where are the new ideas?